The Talbott Cup |
The Talbott Cup is a year long 10th Fleet event that’s broken down into three seasonal 10th Fleet Challenges. It is loosely inspired by similar Cups in other Fleets, such as the San Martino Cup of 3rd Fleet and the Admiral’s Cup of 2nd Fleet. The ultimate goal of the Talbott Cup is to foster activity, camaraderie, healthy competition, and fellowship in 10th Fleet. |
When a chapter or unit wins a 10th Fleet Challenge they take possession of the 10th Fleet Stein (pictured left). This 10th Fleet Stein is the physical manifestation of our Fleet’s pride and prestige. The victorious crew is charged with protecting the Fleet Stein and treating it as a trophy of honor. The Stein shall be conveyed to a different unit or chapter upon said unit’s victory in the next challenge as determined by the Fleet Command Staff. |
Talbott Cup Eligibility |
All 10th Fleet units (RMN, GSN, etc, vessels), Pinnaces, RMA units, and RMMC Assault Shuttles are eligible to participate. Individuals must be officially registered TRMN members who are officially assigned to chapter or unit they are participating with, and must appear on the chapter roster on the TRMN Database. Once an individual’s contribution is submitted to the 10th Fleet Staff Intelligence Officer and recorded, it may not be transferred to another chapter or unit, even if that member transfers during the course of the Challenge. |
Any marine detachments (MARDET) assigned to a unit shall participate as members of that unit. |
Winning the Cup |
After the conclusion of the final challenge on December 15, 2019, the chapter or unit that has won the most Fleet Challenges wins the Talbott Cup! If no vessel has won more Challenges than any other, then the performances of the tied chapters or units over the individual challenges will be reviewed by the Fleet Command Staff to determine the overall Talbott Cup winner. The entire crew of that chapter or unit is awarded a Royal Meritorious Unit Citation. The 10th Fleet Stein stays in the hands of the vessel that won the third Fleet Challenge of the year, regardless of who won the Cup. |
Talbott Cup Challenges for 2019 |
The three challenges for the 2019 Talbott Cup are: |
2. Range Challenge (May – August) 3. Astro Control Challenge (September – December) |
Tenth Fleet Range Challenge |
Our second Fleet Challenge of the year runs from May 30th, 2019 to August 30th, 2019. The Range Challenge is a competition in which the chapters of a fleet strive to attain the highest total number of hours spent playing games by the end of the three-month challenge period allotted by their fleet commander. These rules are based on similar challenges conducted by TRMN fleets in the past in an effort to standardize them for unified competition under the Black Sphinx Cup.The chapter that has the highest number of hours spent playing games and correctly submits this information during the challenge period wins the Range Challenge in their fleet. Each chapter or unit selects one representative of their crew to send progress reports of their ship’s efforts at their own discretion (ie: it’s up to the representative and the unit’s CO if they wish to submit their progress reports weekly, monthly or all at once before the final date). Progress reports must be sent to Intel [at] talbottfleet [dot] org with “10th Fleet Range Challenge” and the chapter or unit name in the subject line. They must be submitted as a spreadsheet (attachment or link). Progress spreadsheets must include the CO name and contact information, Chapter Liaison name and contact information, and last date updated. The content must include:
Rules and Regulations:
Tenth Fleet Astro Control Challenge |
Our last Fleet Challenge of the year runs from September 15th, 2017 to December 15th, 2017. The Astro Control Challenge is a competition in which the chapters of a fleet strive to have the highest total number of members participate in the Astro Control program by earning their Aerospace Wings. These rules are based on similar challenges conducted by TRMN fleets in the past in an effort to standardize them for unified competition under the Talbott Cup. The chapter with the highest number of members who have earned their Aerospace Wings appropriate for their rank at the end of the challenge period will win the challenge. Rules and Regulations:
Reporting Rules: Chapter liaisons are required to create a spreadsheet to record their chapter’s activities in the challenge. This spreadsheet must include:
Tenth Fleet Gunnery Challenge (ENDED) |
Our first Fleet Challenge of the year ran from February 15th, 2019 to May 15th, 2019. Each chapter or unit selects one representative of their crew to send progress reports of their ship’s efforts at their own discretion (ie: it’s up to the representative and the unit’s CO if they wish to submit their progress reports weekly, monthly or all at once before the final date). Progress reports must be sent to Intel [at] talbottfleet [dot] org with “10th Fleet Gunnery Challenge” and the chapter or unit name in the subject line. All progress reports must include the title of the book, the author, page count, date finished reading, ISBN if available, and the name, rank and TRMN member number of the person who read it. All books are counted equally, with the exception of authors who are also TRMN members (see list of eligible authors here) whose works are worth double points per page read. The chapter or unit with the most books read and submitted in a progress report before midnight on May 16th, 2019 wins the challenge. The winning chapter or unit will be announced and presented with the 10th Fleet Cup at the at BayCon on Memorial Day Weekend 2019. Rules and Regulations: